In collaboration with the Waterline Museum, I was able to start a project about the lichens that grow on the forts of the Dutch Waterline. ​​​​​​​
I developed a plan for an installation called 'SYMBIOSIS' to show the collaboration between microorganisms in Lichen. I also investigated how a work of art can be created in collaboration with nature. The organisms in Lichen are visualized with a hanging sculpture consisting of multiple layers. The viewer can move between these layers to have the feeling of crawling into a Lichen. It is made entirely from plants that I collected around the forts. I processed them into paper, rope and a construction. Outside, the installation will decompose itself over time and the nutrients from the plants will be returned to the ecosystem around the fort.

Could the symbiotic relationship between the micro-organisms in Lichen be a new source of inspiration for restoring the relationship between humans and nature at the macro level?
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